Solutions: Assessments & Reviews

Michelle Drolet

Live online Friday, July 10th 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. EST Panelist include: Michelle Drolet, Towerwall & Jason Klein, Offit Kurman The threats are real and increasing daily. Learn how you can protect yourself and your cannabis company from unauthorized access to confidential files and proprietary data. By now, we are all too familiar with the

Michelle Drolet

Live online July 2, 2020 12:00 pm ET Panelist include: Michelle Drolet, Towerwall, Itay Nachum, Safe-T, Scott Tingley, Cogito & Tom Ward, Qnext Data breaches are on the rise, highlighting no organization is safe from cyberattacks. One cause is that workforce mobility and cloud computing has placed most workloads beyond the shelter of corporate networks

Michelle Drolet

10) Zooming out. Video conferencing is a two-edged sword; while a boon to nurture group discussion, the degree of focus paid to a small screen while feeling self-conscious (how’s my hair?) can oversaturate users. People are now reporting Zoom fatigue, citing anxiety. Identify mental health and grief counsellors who can step in during these COVID-19

Michelle Drolet

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a seismic shift in how the world goes to work. Apart from essential services, remote work is the new normal, mandated everywhere — even in organizations that never previously offered remote work options. Lack of VPN infrastructure or its ability to scale, legacy systems that were never designed for remote work,

Michelle Drolet

Live online Thursday, May 28 at 3:30 p.m. ET Cyberthreats morph rapidly as they try to stay ahead of our defenses; wearing new disguises and breaking down virtual barriers in unique ways. The answer to, “How do I remain secure?” changes as quickly as the cyberthreats we face. Join us for an interactive Q&A Panel

Michelle Drolet

These are unprecedented times. As companies scramble for business continuity, millions of workers around the world are forced to adapt to a workplace culture dubbed as the world’s largest work-from-home experiment. But there is a steep price to be paid for this change — weakened cybersecurity. With more and more people working from home, the attack

Michelle Drolet

10. Pandemic panic Criminals thrive during a crisis, knowing people under stress and distraction are more prone to readily click a text or email link without thought to its legitimacy. As such, COVID-19-related phishing attacks grew 600% in the first quarter. 9. FTC Warnings The Federal Trade Commission just reported $12 million in coronavirus scams calling it the

Michelle Drolet

10) Start with a plan. Companies of all shapes and sizes should draft a distinct crisis response plan. Existing disaster recovery plans or business continuity plans might not suffice. 9) Lead with leadership. Pick a small team responsible for your plan. Get buy-in from the top, pull in human resources, finance, IT. Develop policies minimizing

Michelle Drolet

As the novel coronavirus (which causes COVID-19) continues to spread around the world, businesses must do what they can to prepare for absent staff and possible periods of enforced closure. In general, it’s vital that companies of all sizes and types draft a distinct crisis response plan because existing disaster recovery plans or business continuity

Michelle Drolet

10) High priority. 64% of businesses are prioritizing IT security above everything else and 80% of small and medium businesses rank IT security as a top business priority. 9) Bad news. A successful cyber-attack can damage your company reputation beyond repair including financial losses, intellectual property theft and erosion of customer confidence and trust. 8)