Solutions: Assessments & Reviews

Michelle Drolet

When apps are developed in a hurry and not properly put through their paces, the risk of something going wrong is high, as the Iowa Democratic Party just learned to its cost. Creating secure, fully functional mobile apps takes time and requires stringent testing. In the aftermath of the delayed results for Iowa’s Democratic presidential caucuses, it

Michelle Drolet

As California’s privacy legislation goes into effect, it’s time to take stock of your security strategies around data and think about the future. The trend towards greater privacy is set to continue. The big data grab drove companies to stockpile data, with little thought of how to use it, and even less thought about how

Michelle Drolet

Is cybersecurity a top priority for your business? We certainly hope so. A recent report revealed that almost 64% of all businesses prioritize IT security above everything else. Even 80% of all SMBs rank IT security as a top business priority. The Impact Of Cybercrime Can Be Far-Reaching A successful cyberattack can damage your company beyond repair. This could

Michelle Drolet

Cloud security is simpler than you think. Move to the cloud with confidence while increasing the efficiency of your security management, compliance, and governance. Listen in to learn how you can: Secure once and run everywhere: manage a multi-layered security strategy across your data center and cloud from a single console. Secure every cloud and

Michelle Drolet

It may seem like a peculiar twist of irony, but as the technical capabilities afforded by automation proliferate, successful cyberattacks are increasingly more reliant on human execution. Join this 60-minute presentation to learn more about the cyber threat landscape, threat hunting and response techniques, and real-world examples of how Sophos Managed Threat Response detects and

Michelle Drolet

Our CEO, Michelle Drolet recently sat down with Superb Crew to discuss industry trends, threats and how to stay ahead. Link to the full interview below Q: What are you most excited about in the industry at the moment and what future trends are you expecting to see? A: We see more business coming to

Michelle Drolet

10. Nigerian prince lives. The royalty who wants to send you money is the oldest scam in the book, yet it continues to lure victims. Phishing works by creating false trust to give up log-in credentials, click a bogus URL or download a malware-infected file. 9. Avoid pain. Be aware successful phishing scams can result

Michelle Drolet

It’s almost a no-brainer that all organizations, regardless of their size, need some form of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity not only means that you protect your digital assets against a cyberattack, but it also means that you must plan for the inevitable. What if your data is breached or your systems are attacked? Seems pretty obvious, doesn’t

Michelle Drolet

The cloud has revolutionized the way we work. It has become an indispensable part of our lives. It has allowed us to do business in a faster, more scalable way and has become the foundation for other disruptive businesses. Cloud accelerated the fortunes for some of the world’s largest companies. For Google, Microsoft and Amazon, cloud services is one

Michelle Drolet

Staying abreast of the latest cybersecurity trends can be a tricky challenge for modern businesses, but it’s absolutely vital if you want to safeguard your data. Plugging vulnerabilities, keeping your cloud secure, and avoiding phishing scams and ransomware attacks requires diligence, user awareness, and vigilance.