Industries: Enterprise

Michelle Drolet

Per a recent analysis from Microsoft (via The Interpreter), every country in the world has fallen prey to at least one COVID-19-related attack. Homeland Security and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued an advisory back in April relating to heavy exploitation of Covid-19 by malicious cyber actors. A Breeding Ground For Cybercriminals That’s Not Going

Michelle Drolet

In a recent article, “New Tech Project? Get Your Devs On Board Fast  with These 16 Tips” published on Forbes Technology Council, Michelle Drolet shares how a Solid Secure Development Lifecycle can help: Create a solid SDLC program plan. Developers need a solid secure development life cycle program plan. Test against the plan/program’s “application risk

Michelle Drolet

Security pros have a lot to juggle, but look in the right places and you can find invaluable assistance for free. Maintaining security is a never-ending business. There’s so much to worry about, from misconfigured software to phishing attacks to a rapidly expanding inventory of devices with their own vulnerabilities and update requirements. We could all use

Michelle Drolet

Live online Friday, July 10th 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. EST Panelist include: Michelle Drolet, Towerwall & Jason Klein, Offit Kurman The threats are real and increasing daily. Learn how you can protect yourself and your cannabis company from unauthorized access to confidential files and proprietary data. By now, we are all too familiar with the

Michelle Drolet

Live online July 2, 2020 12:00 pm ET Panelist include: Michelle Drolet, Towerwall, Itay Nachum, Safe-T, Scott Tingley, Cogito & Tom Ward, Qnext Data breaches are on the rise, highlighting no organization is safe from cyberattacks. One cause is that workforce mobility and cloud computing has placed most workloads beyond the shelter of corporate networks

Please join us for our 8th Annual Information Security Summit! “The Evolving Threat Landscape 2020” This regional event provides participants with an update on the latest developments, trends, and status in information security. With the growing popularity of disruptive technologies, including mobility and cloud computing, social networking, and big data analytics, the accompanying data security

Michelle Drolet

10) Zooming out. Video conferencing is a two-edged sword; while a boon to nurture group discussion, the degree of focus paid to a small screen while feeling self-conscious (how’s my hair?) can oversaturate users. People are now reporting Zoom fatigue, citing anxiety. Identify mental health and grief counsellors who can step in during these COVID-19

Michelle Drolet

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a seismic shift in how the world goes to work. Apart from essential services, remote work is the new normal, mandated everywhere — even in organizations that never previously offered remote work options. Lack of VPN infrastructure or its ability to scale, legacy systems that were never designed for remote work,

Michelle Drolet

Live online June 4, 2020 12:00 pm ET Presented by Diana Kelley, Cybersecurity Field CTO, Microsoft Michelle Drolet, CEO, Towerwall Wherever we turn it feels like the news is all COVID-19 all the time. Many of us are feeling stressed and overwhelmed and attackers know it. At Microsoft, we’ve seen an increase in the success

Michelle Drolet

Live online Thursday, May 28 at 3:30 p.m. ET Cyberthreats morph rapidly as they try to stay ahead of our defenses; wearing new disguises and breaking down virtual barriers in unique ways. The answer to, “How do I remain secure?” changes as quickly as the cyberthreats we face. Join us for an interactive Q&A Panel