Focus Area: PCI

Michelle Drolet

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard’s 4.0 requirements are designed to protect card information from theft or fraud. Here are some important controls that must be in place before April 2025. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security requirements introduced by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards

Michelle Drolet

BOSTON – August 31, 2021 – Towerwall, a 25-year provider of cybersecurity services for emerging to mid-size enterprises, today announced it has teamed up with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to list its array of data and IT security services and onsite deployment of Virtual Security Officers on the AWS Marketplace. Towerwall is one of the

Michelle Drolet

Penetration testing is vital, but are you doing it right? Here are some common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them. One of the most effective ways to uncover flaws and weaknesses in your security posture is to have a third party carry out planned attacks on your system. Penetration testing is all about

Michelle Drolet

Security pros have a lot to juggle, but look in the right places and you can find invaluable assistance for free. Maintaining security is a never-ending business. There’s so much to worry about, from misconfigured software to phishing attacks to a rapidly expanding inventory of devices with their own vulnerabilities and update requirements. We could all use

Michelle Drolet

Join our partner Pcysys for their latest webinar: What’s New in PenTera Thursday, March 26th 3:00 PM GMT | 10:00 AM EST In the upcoming What’s New webinar, we’ll go over the new features and enhancements in PenTera version 4.0. You’ll learn about our new: Revamped User Interface Direct Access to Entire Remediation Wiki Web

Michelle Drolet

10) High priority. 64% of businesses are prioritizing IT security above everything else and 80% of small and medium businesses rank IT security as a top business priority. 9) Bad news. A successful cyber-attack can damage your company reputation beyond repair including financial losses, intellectual property theft and erosion of customer confidence and trust. 8)

Michelle Drolet

As California’s privacy legislation goes into effect, it’s time to take stock of your security strategies around data and think about the future. The trend towards greater privacy is set to continue. The big data grab drove companies to stockpile data, with little thought of how to use it, and even less thought about how

Michelle Drolet

Is cybersecurity a top priority for your business? We certainly hope so. A recent report revealed that almost 64% of all businesses prioritize IT security above everything else. Even 80% of all SMBs rank IT security as a top business priority. The Impact Of Cybercrime Can Be Far-Reaching A successful cyberattack can damage your company beyond repair. This could

Michelle Drolet

Cloud security is simpler than you think. Move to the cloud with confidence while increasing the efficiency of your security management, compliance, and governance. Listen in to learn how you can: Secure once and run everywhere: manage a multi-layered security strategy across your data center and cloud from a single console. Secure every cloud and