Industries: Higher Educations

Michelle Drolet

Stay vigilant, plan your response and test your defenses with CIS Controls 18, 19 and 20 This is the final entry in our series on the 20 Critical Security Controls devised by the Center for Internet Security (CIS) as best practices to help the public and private sectors tighten their cybersecurity. We started down the

Michelle Drolet

Wednesday, October 12, 2016 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT Hosted by Towerwall and Sophos I am sure you are seeing the explosion of ransomware in the headlines. Businesses of every size are targets and analysts estimate ransomware is on pace to be a $1B/year crime in 2016. Sophos Intercept X is their newly released

Michelle Drolet

We are honored to share that our blog was named as a Top Computer Security Blogs 2016 by CreditDonkey. CreditDonkey sites: “Business owners who want the latest information on the world of digital security will appreciate this blog’s straightforward approach to news and advice.” We are excited to share the list with some of our security

Michelle Drolet

The NSA should disclose all zero-day exploits. But it doesn’t. To say the National Security Agency (NSA) prefers to lay low and shuns the limelight is an understatement. One joke said about the secretive group, widely regarded as the most skilled state-sponsored hackers in the world, is NSA actually stands for “No Such Agency.” But

Michelle Drolet

WELLESLEY HILLS, MA (August 2016) – Massachusetts Bay Community College is pleased to announce it has received a generous donation of $5,000 from this year’s annual Information Security Summit to support student scholarships in the field of cyber security. The Information Security Summit, held each year on MassBay Community College’s Wellesley Hills campus, was established

Michelle Drolet

With all the breaches happening in the news, isn’t it time you get one step ahead of the next threat? Get proactive and learn these secrets before you become the next victim.

Michelle Drolet

When is the right time to rent yourself a CISO? The enterprise is facing a dangerous combination of mounting cybersecurity threats of increasing subtlety—and a widening gap in the skills required to identify and combat them. Having someone who knows how to lead the charge in identifying and analyzing threats, creating strategic security plans and

Michelle Drolet

Stay on top of account management and assess staff security skills with CIS Controls 16 and 17 You can have the most secure system in the world, but hackers will always seek out the path of least resistance. When your defenses are good, the weak link is often your employees. Data breaches are most likely

Michelle Drolet

OXFORD, U.K., July 19, 2016 – Sophos (LSE: SOPH), a global leader in network and endpoint security, today announced Sophos SafeGuard Encryption 8, a new synchronized encryption solution that protects data against theft from malware, attackers or accidental leaks. All organizations can now choose to adopt the best practice of “always-on” file-level encryption to protect