Michelle Drolet
Check out this infographic for the numbers behind BYOD.
0 Minute 2 Second Read
Michelle Drolet
Check out this infographic for the numbers behind BYOD.
0 Minute 2 Second Read
Michelle Drolet
Towerwall Application Security Alert Vol 13.73 Hackers have amassed a vast collection of stolen data, including 1.2 billion unique username/password pairs, by compromising over 420,000 websites using SQL injection techniques. Researchers monitored the gang for over seven months, thought to be “fewer than a dozen men in their 20s who know one another personally” based in
3 Minute 3 Second Read
Michelle Drolet
1.2 billion logins scooped up by CyberVor hacking crew – what you need to do Hackers have amassed a vast collection of stolen data, including 1.2 billion unique username/password pairs, by compromising over 420,000 websites using SQL injection techniques. Researchers monitored the gang for over seven months, thought to be “fewer than a dozen men in
3 Minute 7 Second Read
Michelle Drolet
Four major challenges when protecting apps and how to solve them Despite all the news about hackers infiltrating major corporations, most businesses continue to leave themselves woefully unprotected. Some surveys estimate more than 70% of businesses perform vulnerability tests on less than 10% of their cloud, mobile and web applications. A majority also confess they
3 Minute 48 Second Read
Michelle Drolet
10. Use cash or gift cards The threat of identity theft is reduced dramatically if you don’t use your credit card for all your purchases, so consider using cash or even gift cards to pay your way. 9. PCI compliance is important The payment card industry has a set of security standards for a reason:
1 Minute 43 Second Read
Michelle Drolet
Also named to CRN’s “Women in the Channel” and “The Power 50” BOSTON – May 12, 2014 – Towerwall (www.towerwall.com), an IT security services provider for small to mid-size businesses, today announced it was selected for inclusion in a list of the 20 “Most Promising Enterprise Security Consulting Companies.” The list was compiled by the
2 Minute 6 Second Read
Michelle Drolet
Please save the date and plan to join us for this timely forum on what you need to know about the latest security issues, threats, and technologies that will help you protect your business! May 29, 2014 8:00AM – 1:00PM MassBay Community College 50 Oakland Street | Wellesley Hills, MA 02481 Early Bird Special: $35
0 Minute 34 Second Read
Michelle Drolet
Criminals are evolving with their techniques for hacking and breaching corporate assets, so security managers need to as well. Here are some ways companies are going beyond standard pen testing in order to increase awareness By Maria Korolov Security professionals have long been running penetration tests against their firewalls and other security systems to find
6 Minute 27 Second Read
Michelle Drolet
Thanks for all that joined Towerwall at the From Zero to Data Governance Hero breakfast event! Towerwall and Varonis experts gave first-rate information on the importance of pressing data concerns of 2014. Also, Varonis’ speaker gave a great live demonstration on the Data Governance Suite! It was an event well spent! “Towerwall is always looking
0 Minute 37 Second Read
Michelle Drolet
Towerwall and Sophos, partnering to protect data integrity in the cloud. Towerwall is now offering Sophos Cloud Endpoint, a new security option for small and medium sized businesses. Sophos Cloud Endpoint offers an integrated, lightweight agent that protects your business, users and their computers. 24/7, anywhere in the cloud. Sophos Cloud Endpoint gives you endpoint
0 Minute 26 Second Read