Solutions: Compliance & Privacy

Michelle Drolet

The last time we looked at how Critical Security Controls (CSC) can help you build your InfoSec framework, we covered getting a handle on your software and your hardware inventories. Today, we’re going to discuss the importance of continually assessing and remediating vulnerabilities, keeping a tight control of administrative privileges, and monitoring your audit logs.

Michelle Drolet

Vendors and other third parties should be treated with the same level of intense scrutiny as your own in-house risk compliance mandates. How seriously is your company treating the risk of a data breach? Have you done due diligence on all of your vendors and third-party partners? Cyberattacks can have a devastating impact in terms

Michelle Drolet

by Sarah Kuranda Sophos is launching a new technology Monday that synchronizes threat intelligence and automation across endpoint and network levels. Sophos Security Heartbeat, part of the Oxford, England-based company’s new XG firewall series, links together the company’s next-generation firewall and UTM solutions with its next-generation endpoint technologies. In doing that, the company said, it is

Michelle Drolet

Non-compliance is a risk, and the Attorney General’s office carries a big stick for those who don’t follow the rules. If you don’t have a written information security program (WISP) in place for your business, then you could be risking data theft, legal action, and punitive fines. The law in many states now dictates that

Michelle Drolet

Cybersecurity is only as strong as the weakest link. If your organization is using third-party vendors, policing their activity is critical to cybersecurity. Few can forget the theft of 110 million customer credit cards from Target in December 2013. But not as many know how hackers gained access to such a vast amount of sensitive

Michelle Drolet

Falling victim to a ransomware attack is most definitely inconvenient, but it could also serve as a wake-up call to the importance of backing up important data. You’re minding your own business, sitting at your office computer. Suddenly, a pop-up appears – with the logo of the FBI – warning that you’re under investigation for

Michelle Drolet

The enterprise is facing a dangerous combination of mounting cybersecurity threats of increasing subtlety, and a widening gap in the skills required to identify and combat them. Having someone that knows how to lead the charge in identifying and analyzing threats, creating strategic security plans and ensuring compliance, requires the right level of expertise. Many

Michelle Drolet

Anthem, the nation’s second-largest health insurance company, is the latest target of a security breach. Eighty million customers, including the company’s own CEO, are at risk of having their personal information stolen. VPC SAN FRANCISCO – As many as 80 million customers of the nation’s second-largest health insurance company, Anthem Inc., have had their account information

Michelle Drolet

As the International Consumer Electronice Show (CES) 2015 brings forth the next generation of devices to watch out for, it also opens issues of digital security. While new technologies and devices are always interesting, they also have the potential to burn consumers and vendors with risks to security and privacy. With these in mind, we picked

Michelle Drolet

Towerwall teamed up with MassBay Community College on May 29 to present the second annual Information Security Summit at MassBay’s Wellesley Hills campus from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Over 250 individuals attended the Summit where they interacted with industry experts and participated in various security panel discussions. After a presentation on the “Anatomy of a