Resource Category: Insights

Michelle Drolet

Four ways to implement and maintain security testing. Cybercriminals had a fantastic time in 2014 – breaching major retailers such as Home Depot and Kmart, major financial institutions (notably JPMorgan Chase), and a slew of smaller companies. Indeed, cybercrimes are growing more common, more costly, and taking longer to resolve. Those are among the key findings

Michelle Drolet

Towerwall is proud to offer our new vCISO Program. Introducing Towerwall’s vCISO Program, our unique approach to Virtual CISO. Offering three distinct partner options, our vCISO solutions are tailor fit to your organization’s security needs. Recognizing many small and mid-sized companies have security concerns, yet do not warrant a full-time position, the Towerwall vCISO Platform

Michelle Drolet

secuProvided by William Gallagher Associates Insurance Brokers, Inc. News broke last week that Anthem, the nation’s second-largest health insurance carrier, was the victim of a data breach by external hackers. This breach affects both current and potentially former clients of Anthem. WGA is monitoring the situation on an ongoing basis, and here is what we

Michelle Drolet

Towerwall Founder and CEO Michelle Drolet’s latest article “Bridging the Cybersecurity Skills Gap: 3 Big Steps” is featured in the InformationWeek Dark Reading. Read more below: The stakes are high. Establishing clear pathways into the industry, standardizing jobs, and assessing skills will require industry-wide consensus and earnest collaboration. There is a dangerous dearth of qualified Information

Michelle Drolet

Our Michelle Drolet is quoted in NetworkWorld’s article “Are mobile apps putting your data at risk?“. Read more below: Quite often, companies don’t realize that the mobile apps they use are reason for concern. Once their data is breached, they begin to investigate. However, there are telltale signs that indicate an insecure mobile app. If you know

Michelle Drolet

The funkily-named bug of the week is GHOST. Its official moniker is the less catchy CVE-2015-0235, and it’s a vulnerability caused by a buffer overflow in a system library that is used in many, if not most, Linux distributions. A buffer overflow is where you assume, for example, that when you handle a four-byte network number written out as

Michelle Drolet

As the International Consumer Electronice Show (CES) 2015 brings forth the next generation of devices to watch out for, it also opens issues of digital security. While new technologies and devices are always interesting, they also have the potential to burn consumers and vendors with risks to security and privacy. With these in mind, we picked

Michelle Drolet

Our Michelle Drolet is quoted in NetworkWorld’s article “Throw your vendor under the bus after a breach? Not quite so fast“. Read more below: In everyday business, a complex set of external relationships is commonplace. Services, infrastructure, and even software live in the cloud, supplied by third parties. An organization’s value is often in the data it

Michelle Drolet

Sophos Researcher James Wyke recently did an analysis of the malware Vawtrak. He found that Vawtrak has been targeting financial institutions, especially banks. Vawtrak injects a DLL code into the targeted bank’s website, which allows a bypass of the victim’s two-factor authentication and infects the victim with a mobile malware. The malware then automatically transfers

Michelle Drolet

Sophos Researcher James Wyke recently did an analysis of the malware Vawtrak. He found that Vawtrak has been targeting financial institutions, especially banks. Vawtrak injects a DLL code into the targeted bank’s website, which allows a bypass of the victim’s two-factor authentication and infects the victim with a mobile malware. The malware then automatically transfers