Resource Category: Insights

Michelle Drolet

10. You need a WISP. A written information security policy, or WISP, is vital. Make sure there’s a person in charge of enforcing it. 9. Always encrypt data. Sensitive data, especially personally identifiable information, must be encrypted at all times, from the server, to the cloud, to a laptop or USB drive. 8. Check your

Michelle Drolet

Non-compliance is a risk, and the Attorney General’s office carries a big stick for those who don’t follow the rules. If you don’t have a written information security program (WISP) in place for your business, then you could be risking data theft, legal action, and punitive fines. The law in many states now dictates that

Michelle Drolet

 The “Stagefright” hole in Android – what you need to know Provided by Paul Ducklin at Sophos, Inc. The conference circuit can be a competitive arena, especially when there are multiple parallel streams. For example, back in 2010, I was at Black Hat in Las Vegas, and I attended the talk next door to the late Barnaby Jack’s now legendary

Michelle Drolet

Are you patching quickly enough? How safe is the software you use? Do you have a system in place to identify vulnerabilities and patch them when they are discovered? How quickly do you react to vulnerability reports? There’s evidence that software vulnerabilities are on the rise, and few companies are taking the necessary action to

Michelle Drolet

Cybersecurity is only as strong as the weakest link. If your organization is using third-party vendors, policing their activity is critical to cybersecurity. Few can forget the theft of 110 million customer credit cards from Target in December 2013. But not as many know how hackers gained access to such a vast amount of sensitive

Michelle Drolet

Falling victim to a ransomware attack is most definitely inconvenient, but it could also serve as a wake-up call to the importance of backing up important data. You’re minding your own business, sitting at your office computer. Suddenly, a pop-up appears – with the logo of the FBI – warning that you’re under investigation for

Michelle Drolet

Once again, the Information Security Summit hosted by Towerwall and MassBay was a resounding success. Hundreds of attendees and vendors participated in  diverse data security panels and networked with industry leaders and peers. The Summit opened with Michelle Drolet, CEO of Towerwall, and Shamsi Moussav, Computer Science Professor at MassBay Community College, presenting scholarships to

Michelle Drolet

The enterprise is facing a dangerous combination of mounting cybersecurity threats of increasing subtlety, and a widening gap in the skills required to identify and combat them. Having someone that knows how to lead the charge in identifying and analyzing threats, creating strategic security plans and ensuring compliance, requires the right level of expertise. Many

Michelle Drolet

Is Android secure enough for the enterprise? Android has a bad reputation when it comes to security, which is unfortunate because it’s the biggest mobile platform around in terms of market share. Gartner says Android claimed 80.7% of the worldwide smartphone market in 2014. We know that the BYOD trend has sparked a dramatic rise in personal mobile

Michelle Drolet

For all the infosec hurdles to overcome, we can build a bright future if the enterprise can pull together. We often talk about the enormous challenges facing IT departments around the world. The consumerization of IT, driven by the BYOD trend and coupled with mobility, has given birth to a wide range of serious security