Focus Area: Privacy

Michelle Drolet

Make sure you understand the need to operationalize data management and security. There has been a widespread rush to get organized and compliant in time for the May 25 deadline when the EU data privacy law General Data Protection Regulation comes into effect. Little wonder when you consider what non-compliance with the GDPR could cost you —

Michelle Drolet

Learn about best practices to combat the threat of ransomware There have been some seriously nasty ransomware attacks in the last few years. From Petya to Wannacry to the SamSam attack on health record company Allscripts just last month, ransomware has been wreaking havoc across the world. Global ransomware damages exceeded $5 billion last year, up from $325 million in

Michelle Drolet

10) Data breaches. Nearly 5 million data records are lost or stolen worldwide every single day, or 58 records every second. According to an IBM report, the average cost of a data breach is $7.3 million. 9) Machine learning will play a bigger role in cybersecurity. Because the battle against cyber criminals moves so rapidly,

Michelle Drolet

58 data records are stolen every second at an average cost of $141 each. Trading in intellectual property and personal data is so widespread that someone invented a calculator that can estimate the potential harm to your own business. Nearly 5 million data records are lost or stolen worldwide every single day, according to the

Michelle Drolet

Today we’d like to introduce you to Michelle Drolet… Thanks for sharing your story with us Michelle. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there. As founder of Towerwall, I have to say my proudest moment was when I sold my company and then… I rebought it! I remained active

Michelle Drolet

Channel partners can make arguments for the integrated security suite and the best-in-class point product method, but the decision ultimately rests on a customer’s specific needs.   “Security is not one-size-fits-all, so it depends on the type of organization and what their risk tolerance level is,” said Michelle Drolet, CEO at Towerwall Inc., a data

Michelle Drolet

Fresh and familiar threats to concern IT departments. As we embark on 2017, it’s time to reflect on a year where cybersecurity has played a major role. Even presidential campaigns haven’t been free from hacking scandals and data leaks. The average cost of a data breach for companies grew from $3.8 million last year to