Focus Area: Information Security Program Plans

Michelle Drolet

Businesses are gearing up for another bumpy year of cybercrime. An ongoing barrage of phishing and ransomware attacks, third-party breaches like those involving Log4j and SolarWinds and the surge in remote work are but a few of the many reasons why almost 80% of security leaders still lack confidence in their cybersecurity posture. In response, a majority of them are planning to significantly

Michelle Drolet

BOSTON – August 31, 2021 – Towerwall, a 25-year provider of cybersecurity services for emerging to mid-size enterprises, today announced it has teamed up with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to list its array of data and IT security services and onsite deployment of Virtual Security Officers on the AWS Marketplace. Towerwall is one of the

Michelle Drolet

Penetration testing is vital, but are you doing it right? Here are some common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them. One of the most effective ways to uncover flaws and weaknesses in your security posture is to have a third party carry out planned attacks on your system. Penetration testing is all about

Michelle Drolet

The threat of a cybercriminal gaining access to your network is a constant source of anxiety. Amid all of the high-profile data breaches, businesses and organizations of all sizes have been successfully targeted by hackers who employ a wide range of different strategies. Too many companies have had to learn all about the potential cost of

Michelle Drolet

Cybersecurity resilience depends on having a detailed, thorough, and tested breach response plan in place. Here’s how to get started. No matter how secure your business, data breaches are an unfortunate fact of life. Whether an attack is the result of a determined cybercriminal, a disgruntled insider, or simple human error, you can limit the

Michelle Drolet

Per a recent analysis from Microsoft (via The Interpreter), every country in the world has fallen prey to at least one COVID-19-related attack. Homeland Security and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued an advisory back in issued an advisory back in April…

Michelle Drolet

Covid-19 has disrupted our lives and caused a lot of stress and panic globally. Even though lockdowns may be relaxing, cyber-attacks are showing no signs of slowing down. The pandemic has created the perfect environment for hacktivists to strike with a high degree of success. Let’s understand the top five reasons for this: 1. Expanding

Michelle Drolet

Many organizations lack the internal expertise to address threat detection and response effectively; MDR can fill the gap. Here’s what to look for when you shop for MDR services. Threat detection and response is a priority for most CISOs because they recognize that the faster a breach is detected and dealt with, the easier and cheaper it is to fix. And since it takes an average of 280 days to identify and contain a breach, according to Ponemon Institute research, there’s plenty of room for improvement.

Michelle Drolet

Per a recent analysis from Microsoft (via The Interpreter), every country in the world has fallen prey to at least one COVID-19-related attack. Homeland Security and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued an advisory back in April relating to heavy exploitation of Covid-19 by malicious cyber actors. A Breeding Ground For Cybercriminals That’s Not Going

Michelle Drolet

Security pros have a lot to juggle, but look in the right places and you can find invaluable assistance for free. Maintaining security is a never-ending business. There’s so much to worry about, from misconfigured software to phishing attacks to a rapidly expanding inventory of devices with their own vulnerabilities and update requirements. We could all use