Industries: Venture Capital

Michelle Drolet

An organization’s initial reaction to a cybersecurity incident is critical when a ransomware attack or a data breach occurs. These actions ultimately determine whether the incident escalates into a more damaging issue or is contained swiftly. A quick and timely response can help mitigate the impact and minimize financial losses, protect sensitive data and safeguard

Michelle Drolet

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard’s 4.0 requirements are designed to protect card information from theft or fraud. Here are some important controls that must be in place before April 2025. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security requirements introduced by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards

Michelle Drolet

Approximately 1 in 3 SMBs were hit by a cyberattack last year—some costing upward of $7 million. The need to prioritize cybersecurity has never been greater. Let’s explore nine cybersecurity elements that organizations must prioritize for 2025. 1. Put Someone In Charge Just like you have an expert in charge of looking after your company’s finances, it’s

Janelle Drolet

If you’re in charge of payment card data at your company, you’ve probably come across the term PCI DSS. No, it’s not some secret code; it stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. Basically, it’s a set of rules designed to keep your customers’ card info safe from cyber crooks. Here to tackle today’s

Michelle Drolet

Just in time for the 2024 U.S. elections, cyberattacks and malicious activities are ramping up. For numerous reasons, elections are the perfect time for opportunistic cybercriminals to target businesses: • High visibility: Elections provide an ideal platform for nation-states and hacktivists looking for ways to undermine democracies, destabilize elections, damage reputations and steal campaign data. Since elections

Janelle Drolet

8) With a cyberattack or data breach, containment is all important, otherwise business continuity is not possible. Priority one is protecting your crown jewels: your critical data and assets. By identifying these upfront, organizations ensure the most valuable assets are safeguarded. 7) Everyone in your organization should be aware of the many cyber risks, what

Michelle Drolet

In 2024, for cybersecurity, we’re entering an era where advanced AI tools and intricate social engineering tactics (especially during election years) are changing the game. To avoid potential cyber threats, businesses, governments and individuals must grasp these emerging trends. Trend 1. Rise Of Cybersecurity AI In 2024, AI’s role in cybersecurity will expand to encompass automated

Michelle Drolet

The threat landscape continues to change as bad actors refine their cybercrime tactics and expand their attack options. Cyberattacks continue to break new records and bad actors keep getting better at what they do. The only way organizations can truly defend themselves is by gaining an understanding of how cyber threats are evolving, acquiring the knowledge

Janelle Drolet

Janelle Drolet was recently named The Most Admired Women Leaders in Business, 2023 by CIO Views   It’s a sad fact of doing business – criminal hackers are continuously evolving their tactics to breach defenses, steal intellectual property and deploy ransomware. To combat them, a business needs leadership capable of keeping the company’s security controls

Michelle Drolet

Michelle Drolet was recently named The Most Admired Women Leaders in Business, 2023 by CIO Views   Many people equate money with success. Although, money is not a bad indicator, but it is not the end all be all. To me success is being blessed with a beautiful family, my Towerwall team members and our