Solutions: WiFi Assessments

Michelle Drolet

Healthcare organizations have faced continual stress from heavy COVID-19 caseloads in 2020. Cyberattacks on their information networks also loomed as a serious threat, and the pressure to protect data is expected to grow this year, as more criminals target healthcare providers. Protecting patient data from unauthorized access has long been a regulatory prerequisite for healthcare

Michelle Drolet

58 data records are stolen every second at an average cost of $141 each. Trading in intellectual property and personal data is so widespread that someone invented a calculator that can estimate the potential harm to your own business. Nearly 5 million data records are lost or stolen worldwide every single day, according to the

Michelle Drolet

From unencrypted email to open Wi-Fi to faulty firewalls, some of the most common security threats could easily give away the entire farm. More threats emerge for IT departments every year. Cybersecurity is increasingly challenging as attacks get more sophisticated. But many core basics are still being ignored. Verizon’s 2015 Data Breach Investigations Report put

Michelle Drolet

Two security firms, the established Rapid7 vulnerability manager and eGestalt, a cloud-based compliance management provider, have signed an OEM deal that will do something for the IT security industry that hasn’t been done before: a combination security and compliance posture management offering called Aegify SPM. The SPM stands for Security Posture Management, and eGestalt of Santa Clara

Michelle Drolet

After the last zero day exploit on Java we reported some weeks ago it appears that a new 0day has been found in Internet Explorer by the same authors that created the Java one. Yesterday, Eric Romang reported the findings of a new exploit code on the same server that the Java 0day was found some

Michelle Drolet

Web applications – particularly those facilitating collaboration and communication – are a boon to sales, marketing and productivity. Teams work together more effectively, salespeople enjoy better leads and marketing tools and customer service reps can more closely connect with those they serve. All of these gains, though, come at a cost: risk. By their very