Solutions: Assessments & Reviews

Michelle Drolet

Everything you need to know to stop ransomware. Please join Towerwall and Sophos for an exclusive lunch and learn to learn how to stop ransomware cold. You’ll find out about: Polymorphic Malware What is Next Generation Malware How does a ransomware attack happen? 9 best security practices to apply NOW! June 28, 2017 | 12:00

Michelle Drolet

AlienVault recently announced a new addition to the AlienVault training portfolio: Incident Response for USM Appliance Analysts, a two-day course that we will start delivering Live and Online in May. AlienVault has had *many* requests from customers and MSSPs for training focused on the analysis of threats identified by the USM Appliance. This course provides

Michelle Drolet

Back when Apple was the plucky young upstart that dared to be different, the Mac was the machine for creative types and there was a perception that it wasn’t a target for hackers because of its cultural cool factor. You would expect the same rules to apply to the legalized marijuana market, but a major

Michelle Drolet

Anatomy of a national point-of-sale breach and takedown of 1,000-plus marijuana dispensaries Back when Apple was the plucky young upstart that dared to be different, the Mac was the machine for creative types and there was a perception that it wasn’t a target for hackers because of its cultural cool factor. You would expect the

Michelle Drolet

Click here for more information & to register! Please save the date and plan to  join us for this timely forum on what you need to know about the latest security issues, threats, and technologies that will help you protect your business!

Michelle Drolet

Fresh and familiar threats to concern IT departments. As we embark on 2017, it’s time to reflect on a year where cybersecurity has played a major role. Even presidential campaigns haven’t been free from hacking scandals and data leaks. The average cost of a data breach for companies grew from $3.8 million last year to

Michelle Drolet

We need to secure the internet of things. The internet of things (IoT) is all about connecting devices to the internet so that they can talk to each other and to us, to make life more convenient. That might mean turning on the lights when we get up, or allowing us to use our phones

Michelle Drolet

Great turnout this year at Worcester Business Journal’s Outstanding Women in Business Awards Our own founder and CEO Michelle Drolet was voted among six other local business leaders as “2016 Outstanding Women in Business” by the Worcester Business Journal. “The winners were selected on their career achievements, ability to transcend both male- and female-dominated professions,

Michelle Drolet

Company among top 20 recognized for their IT security leadership and innovation BOSTON – November 15, 2016 – Towerwall (, a data security services provider for small to mid-size businesses, today announced that Cyber Defense Magazine has named Towerwall a “Cyber Security Leader for 2016.” Towerwall was among the top 20 companies to receive the