Solutions: Application Security

Michelle Drolet

Staying abreast of the latest cybersecurity trends can be a tricky challenge for modern businesses, but it’s absolutely vital if you want to safeguard your data. Plugging vulnerabilities, keeping your cloud secure, and avoiding phishing scams and ransomware attacks requires diligence, user awareness, and vigilance.

Michelle Drolet

10) Got cloud? According to Cloud Security Alliance, more than 70 percent of the world’s businesses now operate in some capacity on the cloud. 9) Cloud positive. Running apps in the cloud offers lower fixed costs, auto updates, easier collaboration, disaster recovery, scalability, pay-as-you-go options, lower tech support costs and access from any device. 8)

Michelle Drolet

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) provides a set of computer security policies and guidelines for how organizations can assess and improve their ability to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber-attacks.

Michelle Drolet

Ransomware-as-a-service, help desks, third parties — all point to a mature yet illegal enterprise undergoing serious growth. Here are tips to protect yourself and your company. Ransomware is big business. Over the last few years we’ve observed the steady rise of ransomware, with some trepidation. It is fast becoming a multi-billion dollar business, and it’s

Michelle Drolet

Online security trends continue to evolve. This year, online extortion will become more prevalent. We also expect that at least one consumer-grade IoT smart device failure will be lethal.  Ransomware will make further inroads, since the majority go unreported. China will drive mobile malware growth to 20M, and cybercrime legislation will take a significant step

Michelle Drolet

Another staple in a series examining the Center for Internet Security’s best practices. Our last article looked at applying Critical Security Controls 4, 5, and 6 to your organization, covering vulnerability assessment, administrative privileges, and audit logs. Now it’s time to move on to CSCs 7, 8, and 9. Email programs and web browsers are

Michelle Drolet

When it comes to infosec, many of the most core basics are being overlooked. Many of the most obvious areas where security can be tightened up with little effort are being blatantly ignored. Are you doing your level best by covering the basics? Below are seven potential vulnerabilities. Most of these can be tackled without

Michelle Drolet

Encrypting data on your own might be the smartest move. For those of you old enough to remember the TV comedy series “Get Smart” featuring a spy that used his shoe for a phone, the good guys belonged to an agency called “Control,” and the bad guys were affiliated with “Chaos.” This month “Get Smart”

Michelle Drolet

Non-compliance is a risk, and the Attorney General’s office carries a big stick for those who don’t follow the rules. If you don’t have a written information security program (WISP) in place for your business, then you could be risking data theft, legal action, and punitive fines. The law in many states now dictates that

Michelle Drolet

Are you patching quickly enough? How safe is the software you use? Do you have a system in place to identify vulnerabilities and patch them when they are discovered? How quickly do you react to vulnerability reports? There’s evidence that software vulnerabilities are on the rise, and few companies are taking the necessary action to