Resource Category: Whitepapers

Michelle Drolet

Religious organizations, Houses of Worship (HoWs) and missionaries (schools, hospitals, non-profits) often carry a false notion that they are at least risk of cyber-attacks (compared to ordinary businesses), because they are not involved in buying and selling of commercial goods and services. Contrary to this popular belief, cybercriminals have been regularly targeting churches, catholic organizations, and even the Vatican.

Michelle Drolet

Religious organizations, Houses of Worship (HoWs) and missionaries (schools, hospitals, non-profits) often carry a false notion that they are at least risk of cyber-attacks (compared to ordinary businesses), because they are not involved in buying and selling of commercial goods and services. Contrary to this popular belief, cybercriminals have been regularly targeting churches, catholic organizations, and even the Vatican.

Michelle Drolet

Religious organizations, Houses of Worship (HoWs) and missionaries (schools, hospitals, non-profits) often carry a false notion that they are at least risk of cyber-attacks (compared to ordinary businesses), because they are not involved in buying and selling of commercial goods and services. Contrary to this popular belief, cybercriminals have been regularly targeting churches, catholic organizations, and even the Vatican.

Michelle Drolet

This eBook strives to make the 20 security controls as described in detail by the SANS institute more accessible to everyday business people.

Taking any one of these 20 actions on the list will have a positive impact on your security status, but the smart move is to work towards fulfilling all 20 of these recommendations. These are simple common-sense rules, but you’d be amazed at how often they’re overlooked.

Michelle Drolet

Most people aren’t aware of what to look for when buying a cyber insurance policy. Since it is still a novel concept, you first need to determine your cyber risk, your risk tolerance and the costs of things that don’t have a clear monetary value (e.g., injury to your business’s reputation). What’s more, some insurance companies are still not fully certain as to how to underwrite cyber-insurance policies.

Michelle Drolet

Many organizations lack the internal expertise to address threat detection and response effectively, but MDR can fill the gap. Part 1 will look at why you should consider MDR to manage your cybersecurity threats. Part 2 will examine what to look for when shopping for MDR services.

Michelle Drolet

Many organizations lack the internal expertise to address threat detection and response effectively; MDR can fill the gap. Here’s what to look for when you shop for MDR services. Threat detection and response is a priority for most CISOs because they recognize that the faster a breach is detected and dealt with, the easier and cheaper it is to fix. And since it takes an average of 280 days to identify and contain a breach, according to Ponemon Institute research, there’s plenty of room for improvement.

Michelle Drolet

Enterprise access requirements are growing ever more complex due to application dynamics, cloud adoption and mergers. To cut through this complexity, technical professionals should explore SDP – a new technology whose strength lies in facilitating access to enterprise apps. Safe-T’s Software-Defined Access Suite takes SDP to the next level, revolutionizing Zero Trust network design.