Resource Category: Insights

Michelle Drolet

Welcome to Issue 2 of the Data Security Review It seems that every time you turn around there is a new data security threat in the news, like Cryptolocker and Heartbleed. Our customers are always asking us how to identify the next “big” threat. Our answer is that you cannot keep up with the hackers,

Michelle Drolet

The cloud computing revolution is well underway and there are lots of benefits to be realized. According to Awesome Cloud research the industry will be worth more than $150 billion this year, compared to $46 billion just six years ago. Mirroring the general trend for SaaS solutions, cloud-based IT security systems can be an ideal fit for

Michelle Drolet

Criminals are evolving with their techniques for hacking and breaching corporate assets, so security managers need to as well. Here are some ways companies are going beyond standard pen testing in order to increase awareness By Maria Korolov  Security professionals have long been running penetration tests against their firewalls and other security systems to find

Michelle Drolet

Personal and business relationships rely on trust to function, but blind trust in the digital world is downright dangerous. We’re asked to trust companies all the time. We trust them with personal details and they promise to keep them safe. It’s the same story in the enterprise. One company will entrust another to backup and

Michelle Drolet

Good Afternoon: The IT infrastructure your organization may use for day-to-day business may be vulnerable because of the Heartbleed vulnerability. Sophos a Towerwall partner has prepared a podcast of the Heartbleed vulnerability, which addresses who is likely affected, workarounds and an offer to help determine if you are vulnerable. If you think you may

Michelle Drolet

by Paul Ducklin on March 12, 2014 We already wrote about Microsoft’s March 2014 patches, noting that, as usually happens, there was an All-Points Bulletin for Internet Explorer coming up. Microsoft doesn’t call them APBs, of course – they are Cumulative Security Updates, with one bulletin covering all the numerous versions, bitnesses and CPU flavors of Redmond’s IE browser.

Michelle Drolet

Towerwall and Sophos, partnering to protect data integrity in the cloud. Towerwall is now offering Sophos Cloud Endpoint, a new security option for small and medium sized businesses. Sophos Cloud Endpoint offers an integrated, lightweight agent that protects your business, users and their computers. 24/7, anywhere in the cloud. Sophos Cloud Endpoint gives you endpoint

Michelle Drolet

For today’s Patch Tuesday, Microsoft released seven bulletins (a surprise after only announcing five last week) and Adobe released one. There are four critical advisories, to me the most important of which is MS14-010 affecting Internet Explorer versions 6 through 10. This patch fixes 24 vulnerabilities, one of which has been publicly disclosed. Considering that

Michelle Drolet

10. Malware is on the rise The threat of malware on mobile platforms is growing steadily as more and more cyber criminals target mobile devices in increasingly sophisticated ways. 9. Byod is a challenge There are obvious benefits to the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) trend, but it also creates IT challenges and exposes your