Focus Area: Cybersecurity Insurance

Michelle Drolet

Like every business asset we need to insure, our network and security is also an asset we need to be protecting. The data within the network, the operating systems and software, they all need to be viewed as a corporate asset and hence the need for cyber insurance. The risk of cybercrime is growing exponentially with each

Michelle Drolet

BOSTON – August 31, 2021 – Towerwall, a 25-year provider of cybersecurity services for emerging to mid-size enterprises, today announced it has teamed up with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to list its array of data and IT security services and onsite deployment of Virtual Security Officers on the AWS Marketplace. Towerwall is one of the

Michelle Drolet

The landscape of cybersecurity insurance is shifting in the wake of a wave of high-profile ransomware attacks. Over the last five years, the U.S. has suffered more than 4,000 ransomware attacks a day, according to a U.S. government interagency report. It’s a pandemic unto itself: Ransomware attacks happen once every eight minutes. This trend has driven greater