Industries: Higher Educations

Michelle Drolet

Towerwall is proud to offer our new Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy Services. In recent years, the workplace has become more mobile than ever, and the mobile worker revolution is, in large part, the need for clear Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies. The big idea is that through the use of cloud computing-based

Michelle Drolet

Towerwall is proud to offer our new VOIP Assessment Services. Do you know if your VoIP phones and servers are segmented from the rest of your network? Even if they are, segmentation alone may not protect your voice assets. Towerwall, Inc. has developed an approach that is extremely effective in testing the security of VoIP

Michelle Drolet

We are proud to announce our Threat Spotlight, sign up for our Twitter feed and get the latest threats and how to protect against them. Threat Spotlights as of October 15, 2012:   AutoInf AutoInf is a component used by many malware families, notably Conficker, Sality and AutoRun. AutoInf is used to automatically run associated

Michelle Drolet

It’s becoming more and more common for workers to store work-related documents on their smartphones, tablet computers and other devices they bring to and from work each day. While this can be convenient–employees can access important documents at home or on the road–it also creates greater security risks for businesses. Employees’ Devices May Not Be

Michelle Drolet

After the last zero day exploit on Java we reported some weeks ago it appears that a new 0day has been found in Internet Explorer by the same authors that created the Java one. Yesterday, Eric Romang reported the findings of a new exploit code on the same server that the Java 0day was found some

Michelle Drolet

Beware any emails which claim to come from – it could be that you’re being targeted in an attack designed to steal your AOL, Gmail, Yahoo or Windows Live password. At first glance, if you don’t look too carefully, the emails entitled “Microsoft Windows Update” may appear harmless enough. But the grammatical errors and

Michelle Drolet

It’s becoming more and more common for workers to store work-related documents on their smartphones, tablet computers and other devices they bring to and from work each day. While this can be convenient — employees can access important documents at home or on the road –it also creates greater security risks for businesses. Employees’ devices

Michelle Drolet

Microsoft has published evidence of an extraordinary conspiracy in which potent botnet malware was apparently installed and hidden on PCs during their manufacture in China. This is a big deal, the team at Towerwall has been aware that this level of threat and exploitation existed, but none the less surprised. Read the rest of the

Michelle Drolet

In recent years, the work place has become more mobile than ever, and the mobile worker revolution is, in large part, the reason for the rise in Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies. The big idea is that through the use of cloud computing-based collaboration platforms, enterprise-class companies can save a great deal of money in IT, security and