Industries: Cannabis

Michelle Drolet

10. Freely hackable Free public Wi-Fi connections are treated like a public utility, but they can be making you vulnerable to hackers. 9. Sign me up By default, most mobile phones/devices are set to ask your permission to join a network. Once you obtain credentials, the known network will join your phone automatically. 8. Sniffing

Michelle Drolet

User behavior analytics sniffs out anomalies in users’ actions and alerts IT security teams of suspicious behavior The theft of unstructured data is extremely common. It can be very difficult to safeguard emails and files when a lot of people have access. Even the CIA is not immune, judging by the recent exposure of its

Michelle Drolet

AlienVault recently announced a new addition to the AlienVault training portfolio: Incident Response for USM Appliance Analysts, a two-day course that we will start delivering Live and Online in May. AlienVault has had *many* requests from customers and MSSPs for training focused on the analysis of threats identified by the USM Appliance. This course provides

Michelle Drolet

Security is taking a backseat as more and more devices connect to the internet The tech world moves at a tremendous pace, unleashing wave after wave of innovation intended to improve our everyday lives. Many new devices, from security cameras to fridges, or TVs to baby monitors, are now internet connected. This affords us remote

Michelle Drolet

Back when Apple was the plucky young upstart that dared to be different, the Mac was the machine for creative types and there was a perception that it wasn’t a target for hackers because of its cultural cool factor. You would expect the same rules to apply to the legalized marijuana market, but a major

Michelle Drolet

Anatomy of a national point-of-sale breach and takedown of 1,000-plus marijuana dispensaries Back when Apple was the plucky young upstart that dared to be different, the Mac was the machine for creative types and there was a perception that it wasn’t a target for hackers because of its cultural cool factor. You would expect the

Michelle Drolet

10) Change your password. If you’ve been using the same password for a long time, then it’s time to change it. You should not only change your passwords regularly but not use the same one for every app or website. Try to use more than 13 characters. 9) Turn off wireless connections. When you aren’t

Michelle Drolet

What you need to know to defend against targeted attacks. The threat of a targeted attack for any business is real and substantial. It’s vital to ensure that your organization can identify constantly evolving threats, find abnormal and suspicious activity, and take effective action to keep your data safe. Consider that, on average, attackers are