Tag: penetration testing

Michelle Drolet

In recent years, the work place has become more mobile than ever, and the mobile worker revolution is, in large part, the reason for the rise in Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies. The big idea is that through the use of cloud computing-based collaboration platforms, enterprise-class companies can save a great deal of money in IT, security and

Michelle Drolet

In a great article by Ted Samson at InfoWorld, that not even a complex, 16-character password guarantees that your cloud-based data and devices are secure. Here is what Ted had to say: This past weekend, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak predicted that cloud computing would yield “horrible problems” in coming years. By extraordinary coincidence, Wired reporter

Michelle Drolet

For those on our Security Alert and Update list we just emailed an article by Graham Cluley on how a malware attack spread as email from your office’s HP scanner, yes that’s right a scanner! In these high-tech times, scanners and photocopiers aren’t just dumb machines sitting in the corner of the office.  They are

Michelle Drolet

For those on our Security Alert and Update list we just emailed this great article by Graham Cluley on the worst possible passwords you could ever choose. Many of you know this is something we preach to our clients on a regular basis and is part of our comprehensive 4E Program. Too many internet users

Michelle Drolet

Cybercriminals are attempting to infect the computers of internet users, via a spammed-out email that has a malware-infected file attached.  Computer users are being warned to be wary of email messages which suggest they contain nude photographs of girlfriends, or claim that they have been reported to the police, as the attached file (Photo.zip) really

Michelle Drolet

There was a recent article in the Wall Street Journal in which the top cyber cop Shawn Henry, spoke how we are loosing the battle with the hackers. At times the hackers can keep up us all night worrying about our networks, employee actions whether intentional or not, we need to remain vigilant and on

Towerwall & AppSecInc are pleased to offer a free webinar to highlight Database Security Top Threats and Tips. Learn more about the current threat climate and top tips for protecting sensitive information in the database. During this one hour presentation, AppSecInc’s CTO, Josh Shaul will discuss how to: • Defend against the latest cyber espionage