Tag: iOS

Michelle Drolet

Everyone should employ an intrusion detection system (IDS) to monitor their network and flag any suspicious activity or automatically shut down potentially malicious traffic. We look at five of the best open source options. As cybersecurity professionals, we try to prevent attackers from gaining access to our networks but protecting perimeters that have grown exponentially

Michelle Drolet

By: Solange_Desc1 Security researchers have discovered a new software bug known as the “Bash Bug” or “Shellshock,” or to those more technically “in-the-know” as GNU Bash Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2014-6271)(link is external). This bug, more correctly termed, ‘vulnerability’, potentially allows attackers to gain control over targeted computers. The bug is present in a piece of computer

Michelle Drolet

10. Malware is on the rise The threat of malware on mobile platforms is growing steadily as more and more cyber criminals target mobile devices in increasingly sophisticated ways. 9. Byod is a challenge There are obvious benefits to the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) trend, but it also creates IT challenges and exposes your

Michelle Drolet

While millions of mobile users are anticipating the launch of the new iPhone (5S and 5C), cybercriminals are already making their move to distribute spam that promise to give away the said devices for free, in the guise of a contest. We saw samples of spammed messages that attempted to spoof an Apple Store email