Tag: California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

Michelle Drolet

As California’s privacy legislation goes into effect, it’s time to take stock of your security strategies around data and think about the future. The trend towards greater privacy is set to continue. The big data grab drove companies to stockpile data, with little thought of how to use it, and even less thought about how

Michelle Drolet

2019 is set to break a record for the highest number of security incidents ever recorded and probably the biggest and most expensive year in terms of data breach fines, penalties and court settlements. While large-scale breaches always make big headlines, hackers are not sparing small businesses and consumers. As we head into the new decade, cyberattacks will continue

Michelle Drolet

With the CCPA coming hot on the heels of the GDPR it makes sense to get your consumer data management in order. Taking steps to protect all private data today will pay dividends tomorrow. The idea that organizations should be doing more to protect the personal data they hold about individuals has been gaining ground