Solutions: Program & Policy Development

Michelle Drolet

In recent years, the work place has become more mobile than ever, and the mobile worker revolution is, in large part, the reason for the rise in Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies. The big idea is that through the use of cloud computing-based collaboration platforms, enterprise-class companies can save a great deal of money in IT, security and

Michelle Drolet

A customizable security training program for your review. We’re giving you all the tools you need to keep your employees out of trouble. Whether you’re starting a program from scratch, or just in need of some refresher materials, we’ve got you covered. Here’s whats included in the Towerwall Security Training Toolkit: Program launch guide Employee

Michelle Drolet

To cap off a summer of devastating corporate data breaches, hackers yesterday posted online what might be the crown jewel of 2012 data dumps: 1 million identification numbers for Apple iPhones, iPads and iPod Touch’s, all purportedly stolen from the FBI. There may also be an additional 11 million Apple device IDs yet to be

Michelle Drolet

Whether you choose to embrace it or try to resist it, the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) trend is set to grow. A study by Cisco Systems found that 78 percent of white-collar workers in the U.S. use a mobile device for work and 41 percent indicated that most smartphones that connect to the company

Michelle Drolet

For those on our Security Alert and Update list we just emailed this great article by Graham Cluley on the worst possible passwords you could ever choose. Many of you know this is something we preach to our clients on a regular basis and is part of our comprehensive 4E Program. Too many internet users

Michelle Drolet

Like it or not, the line between the workplace and the home is blurring. Work-at-home arrangements are becoming more common and cloud services make it easier to coordinate teams online. People are constantly on call, with the ability to check their emails and stay in touch wherever they are. The days of having a personal

Michelle Drolet

Many IT departments have weak patching processes – especially on the client-side. And it’s no wonder – patching is tough. Across all industries and platforms, the Window of Exploit (WOE) – that is, the time lag between announced discovery and the availability of a patch – for web-based vulnerabilities is a whopping 233 days, according

Michelle Drolet

There was a recent article in the Wall Street Journal in which the top cyber cop Shawn Henry, spoke how we are loosing the battle with the hackers. At times the hackers can keep up us all night worrying about our networks, employee actions whether intentional or not, we need to remain vigilant and on

Michelle Drolet

Thanks to the blackout of Wikipedia and the efforts of Google and Facebook, the federal bills known as SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) have been put on the back burner for revision. The actions last month by the three websites generated millions of protest emails against the controversial legislation. But

Michelle Drolet

On Jan. 5, federal law enforcement seized several automobiles worth about $100,000 in value. They had belonged to the former president of the Massachusetts Bank and Trust Company and were taken as restitution for his defrauding the bank in 1997. It seems that not a day passes by when news of banking-related fraud, money laundering,