Solutions: Compliance & Privacy

Michelle Drolet

Please save the date and plan to  join us for this timely forum on what you need to know about the latest security issues, threats, and technologies that will help you protect your business! May 29, 2014  8:00AM – 1:00PM MassBay Community College 50 Oakland Street  | Wellesley Hills, MA 02481 Early Bird Special: $35

Michelle Drolet

Zeus, also known as Zbot, is a malware family that we have written about many times on Naked Security. We’ve covered it as plain old Zbot. We’ve covered the Citadel variant, which appeared when the original Zbot code was leaked online. We’ve even written about the time it pretended to be a Microsoft fix for CryptoLocker, a completely different

Michelle Drolet

10. Malware is on the rise The threat of malware on mobile platforms is growing steadily as more and more cyber criminals target mobile devices in increasingly sophisticated ways. 9. Byod is a challenge There are obvious benefits to the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) trend, but it also creates IT challenges and exposes your

Michelle Drolet

Please save the date and plan to  join us for this timely forum on what you need to know about the latest security issues, threats, and technologies that will help you protect your business! May 29, 2014  8:00AM – 1:00PM MassBay Community College 50 Oakland Street  | Wellesley Hills, MA 02481 Early Bird Special: $35

Michelle Drolet

To cap off a summer of devastating corporate data breaches, hackers yesterday posted online what might be the crown jewel of 2012 data dumps: 1 million identification numbers for Apple iPhones, iPads and iPod Touch’s, all purportedly stolen from the FBI. There may also be an additional 11 million Apple device IDs yet to be

Michelle Drolet

On Jan. 5, federal law enforcement seized several automobiles worth about $100,000 in value. They had belonged to the former president of the Massachusetts Bank and Trust Company and were taken as restitution for his defrauding the bank in 1997. It seems that not a day passes by when news of banking-related fraud, money laundering,