Resource Category: Insights

Michelle Drolet

When the website was launched on Oct. 1 it didn’t take long for technical issues to hit the headlines. Americans trying to register for health care found the website unusable. There were glitches, extremely long loading times, and serious errors, but most worrying of all for anyone entrusting sensitive data to the system was the lack

Michelle Drolet

I am excited to announce the launch of our quarterly newsletter, the Data Security Review. Each quarter I will be sharing with you what I am hearing from customers, colleagues and data security experts to keep you aware and protected. As we enter 2014, human risk is on everyone’s mind. Even with the most sophisticated

Michelle Drolet

Recent vulnerabilities for which exploits are available compiled by the Qualys Vulnerability Research Team. This is a list of recent vulnerabilities for which exploits are available. System administrators can use this list to help in prioritization of their remediation activities. The Qualys Vulnerability Research Team compiles this information based on various exploit frameworks, exploit databases,

Michelle Drolet

Implementing security practices in your organization’s employees’ daily work habits, and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of information security, the goals of the Security Awareness Program are: Put information security and its importance into the forefront of your staff’s minds. Spread information security policy and awareness throughout corporate ranks. Build security awareness into the technical

Michelle Drolet

10. Be clever Create passwords from easy-to-remember sentences, such as < Patriots Win the Super Bowl>, using the first letter of each word and adding numbers and special characters at the beginning or end. (e.g., <12=PwtSB!>) 9. Create a management system Consider creating one, very strong password and appending it with identifiers, such as <!Kr0y-W3n$TOM>

Michelle Drolet

3 Keys To Keep Enterprise Clouds Secure Outsourcing has won out over ownership, and the rush to the cloud continues to gather pace. Where security is concerned there are two major trends that threaten to expose your company to unnecessary risk. There’s a lack of planning and due diligence when choosing cloud providers, and there’s

Michelle Drolet

And it keeps getting worse… A widespread outbreak of a sneaky, file-encrypting piece of ransomware called Cryptolocker has many people talking. One very important question raised by Cryptolocker’s success to date: Should you ever pay a ransom to a cybercriminal? Sophos security expert James Lyne, head of global security research at Sophos, went on cable

Michelle Drolet

Published by Michele Drolet, CEO of Towerwall Proper analysis will flag suspicious behavior and allow the IT department to assess the threat and take action to close it down Cybercriminals are employing more sophisticated techniques all the time and far too many companies and organizations still don’t have the protection they really need to safeguard

Michelle Drolet

Cyber-attacks take many forms, from cybercrime, to hacktivism, to cyber warfare, and espionage. We’re all used to hearing about phishing attacks and the threat of malware, but organized cyber-attacks perpetrated by groups with political motivations, and sometimes affiliated with foreign governments, are on the rise, and they could represent a much graver threat. Major concerns