Resource Category: Insights

Michelle Drolet

Our own Michelle Drolet featured in Fierce CEO’s “Special Report Women CEOs on Blazing a Trail to the Top: Part 2” What does it take to reach the chief executive post? Being direct about what you want, for one. “If women want the brass ring, they should try to grab it,” says Jennifer Keough, CEO of

Michelle Drolet

A look at some options for keeping tabs on your staff and the possible pros and cons. Securing your data in the digital age is very challenging, but it has never been more necessary. We just looked at the hair-raising cost of a data breach in 2018 and we know that employees are often the weakest

Michelle Drolet

Learn about best practices to combat the threat of ransomware There have been some seriously nasty ransomware attacks in the last few years. From Petya to Wannacry to the SamSam attack on health record company Allscripts just last month, ransomware has been wreaking havoc across the world. Global ransomware damages exceeded $5 billion last year, up from $325 million in

Michelle Drolet

10) Data breaches. Nearly 5 million data records are lost or stolen worldwide every single day, or 58 records every second. According to an IBM report, the average cost of a data breach is $7.3 million. 9) Machine learning will play a bigger role in cybersecurity. Because the battle against cyber criminals moves so rapidly,

Michelle Drolet

58 data records are stolen every second at an average cost of $141 each. Trading in intellectual property and personal data is so widespread that someone invented a calculator that can estimate the potential harm to your own business. Nearly 5 million data records are lost or stolen worldwide every single day, according to the

Michelle Drolet

Policies and software are not enough to secure your data, staff must be regularly trained. Your organization might have the most robust security program in the world. You may have stringent policies, and the latest and greatest security software tools. You might think your data is safe, but if your employees don’t have the right

Michelle Drolet

Towerwall & Darktrace Dinner Seminar Hosted by Towerwall When: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Where: Il Capriccio 888 Main St, Waltham, MA 02453 To Register: Contact Kelley Gallo About DarkTrace Darktrace is the world’s leading machine learning company for cybersecurity. Created by mathematicians from the University of Cambridge, the Enterprise

Michelle Drolet

It may be possible to glean valuable security insights by monitoring the dark web. Although awareness of the importance of cybersecurity is spreading, the number of successful cyber-attacks continues to grow with every passing year. Globally, almost 1.9 billion data records were compromised in the first half of 2017, up 164% compared to the last

Michelle Drolet

Skills shortage is making shift to continuous appsec testing challenging. While application security (appsec) is firmly on the radar, most organizations still have a way to go before they can be confident about how secure their apps are. Devops is accelerating the speed of development and, coupled with the shift to the cloud, it’s creating

Michelle Drolet

New challenges and threats will face IT departments in the year ahead. As we stand on the threshold of another year, the war for our cybersecurity rages on. There have been many data breaches in 2017, most notably for Equifax, Verizon, and Kmart. But if you seek a silver lining in the cloud, perhaps you’ll