Focus Area: Chat GPT

Michelle Drolet

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Google Bard have taken the world by storm. While these generative AI programs are incredibly versatile and can be implemented in a wide range of productive business use cases for the good, there is also a potential downside for LLMs to empower threat actors, adversaries and cybercriminals with

Michelle Drolet

10. Benefits & risks. Like most tools, large language models (like ChatGPT & Google Bard) can be used for good or ill purposes. Positives: generate creative content, translate languages, and debug software. Negatives: They can be used to damage reputations, spread misinformation, code malware, and conduct cyberattacks. 9. Phishing at scale. LLMs can be used

Michelle Drolet

Editor’s Note: All the text in bold below was written by the ChatGPT artificial intelligence. Those sections were verified as accurate by a human editor, but they have not been changed. 10) ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI, a research organization dedicated to creating and promoting friendly artificial intelligence (AI). Free for now,