Industries: Small Business

Michelle Drolet

Boston Business Journal asked Towerwall for required reading for every entrepreneur. Michelle Drolet recommends “The Power of Nice” by Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval. Nice companies have lower turnover and higher productivity. Click here to read the article.

Michelle Drolet

Thanks to the blackout of Wikipedia and the efforts of Google and Facebook, the federal bills known as SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) have been put on the back burner for revision. The actions last month by the three websites generated millions of protest emails against the controversial legislation. But

Towerwall & AppSecInc are pleased to offer a free webinar to highlight Database Security Top Threats and Tips. Learn more about the current threat climate and top tips for protecting sensitive information in the database. During this one hour presentation, AppSecInc’s CTO, Josh Shaul will discuss how to: • Defend against the latest cyber espionage

Michelle Drolet

This Thursday, October 20th I will be a guest presenter at the 5th annual Pioneer Valley Information Security Awareness Conference at Holyoke Community College. A comprehensive slate of topics will be discussed, notable will be trends in cyber crime, protecting business data, the security of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, and women