Industries: Retail

Michelle Drolet

Click Here to Watch the Webinar Now > View the Presentation >   About the Webinar Enterprises face an exploding number of unmanaged and IoT devices on their networks, and cyber attacks are increasingly targeting these vulnerable devices. Join Armis and Towerwall to learn about 8 ways that you can secure your enterprise from these

Michelle Drolet

Make sure you understand the need to operationalize data management and security. There has been a widespread rush to get organized and compliant in time for the May 25 deadline when the EU data privacy law General Data Protection Regulation comes into effect. Little wonder when you consider what non-compliance with the GDPR could cost you —

Michelle Drolet

Are you ready for GDPR? Do you meet the new requirements? Do you know your risk exposure? A lot of companies do not know. To give you an idea of the uncertainty surrounding the Regulation, Vanson Bourne surveyed 1,600 organizations. A staggering 37% of respondents did not know whether their organization needed to comply with GDPR, while 28% believe they did not need to comply at all. This uncertainty will not provide any protection from fines.

Michelle Drolet

6th Annual Information Security Summit Presented by MassBay Community College and Towerwall, Inc. When: Thursday, May 24, 2018 8:00AM – 1:30PM When: MassBay Community College 50 Oakland Street Wellesley Hills, MA 02481 About the Conference: The Information Security Summit is a regional event with the goal to give participants from New England an update on

Michelle Drolet

Our own Michelle Drolet featured in Fierce CEO’s “Special Report Women CEOs on Blazing a Trail to the Top: Part 2” What does it take to reach the chief executive post? Being direct about what you want, for one. “If women want the brass ring, they should try to grab it,” says Jennifer Keough, CEO of

Michelle Drolet

A look at some options for keeping tabs on your staff and the possible pros and cons. Securing your data in the digital age is very challenging, but it has never been more necessary. We just looked at the hair-raising cost of a data breach in 2018 and we know that employees are often the weakest

Michelle Drolet

Learn about best practices to combat the threat of ransomware There have been some seriously nasty ransomware attacks in the last few years. From Petya to Wannacry to the SamSam attack on health record company Allscripts just last month, ransomware has been wreaking havoc across the world. Global ransomware damages exceeded $5 billion last year, up from $325 million in

Michelle Drolet

Click Here to Watch the Webinar Now >   About the Webinar The deadline for the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is four months away, and it is likely to affect most companies around the world in one way or another – even ones not based in Europe. Join our friends from Sophos

Michelle Drolet

10) Data breaches. Nearly 5 million data records are lost or stolen worldwide every single day, or 58 records every second. According to an IBM report, the average cost of a data breach is $7.3 million. 9) Machine learning will play a bigger role in cybersecurity. Because the battle against cyber criminals moves so rapidly,

Michelle Drolet

58 data records are stolen every second at an average cost of $141 each. Trading in intellectual property and personal data is so widespread that someone invented a calculator that can estimate the potential harm to your own business. Nearly 5 million data records are lost or stolen worldwide every single day, according to the