Industries: Higher Educations

Michelle Drolet

Wherever an app originates from, it is vital that you can vouch for its security before it is circulated The enterprise has gone mobile and there’s no turning back. And while the BYOD movement has received plenty of attention, IT departments are getting a handle on the security risks of personal mobile devices in the workplace. The

Michelle Drolet

Many companies have embraced the BYOD trend. They may even have developed applications that enable employees to have 24/7 access to business data and tools. The benefits can be counted in productivity boosts and flexibility, but there is a real and present danger that is being ignored all too often. How many of these enterprise

Michelle Drolet

The BYOD trend shows no sign of abating as more and more organizations recognize the potential benefits in terms of cost and convenience. According to a recent surveyby Good Technology, 76 percent of enterprises are now supporting BYOD and the majority of those that still don’t are planning to do so in the near future. When

Michelle Drolet

Don’t underestimate the damage that malware proprietors can unleash if the right security policies aren’t in place. Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) programs and cloud computing — two of the biggest enterprise trends from the last couple of years — go hand in hand. Employees want to be given the latitude to use their smartphones for work, and

Michelle Drolet

Please join us for this timely forum on what you need to know about the latest security issues, threats, and technologies that will help you protect your business! May 30, 2013  8:00AM – 1:00PM MassBay Community College 50 Oakland Street  | Wellesley Hills, MA 02481 $45 Pre-registration required. To register visit: DEFENDING YOUR DATA Content

Michelle Drolet

Top Ten Malicious URLs Top 10 malicious URLs blocked by the Trend Micro™ Smart Protection Network™ infrastructure in 2012 Top Ten Malicious URLs Top 10 malicious URLs blocked by the Trend Micro™ Smart Protection Network™ infrastructure in 2012. Top Ten Spammers Top 10 spam-sending countries in 2012. Rank Country 1 India 2 Saudi Arabia 3

Michelle Drolet

Network World – The enterprise is increasingly turning to mobile app developers for solutions to leverage interest in BYOD. Gartner estimates that 70% of mobile professionals will conduct their work on personal smart devices by 2018. The app development boom has fostered a competitive environment for developers and there is a focus on speed. But In the rush to deploy enterprise

Michelle Drolet

As the app revolution has gathered pace and smartphones and tablets have become ubiquitous, the importance of testing app security has grown. Many companies have embraced the BYOD trend. They may even have developed applications that enable employees to have 24/7 access to business data and tools. The benefits can be counted in productivity boosts

Michelle Drolet

The convenience of mobile devices has led to their rapid proliferation in the work place. But along with that convenience come security and compliance issues contributing to the degeneration of trust. Risk management for mobile devices is of rising concern, particularly in highly regulated industries such as healthcare and finance. In order to detect security

Michelle Drolet

Security researchers from the Vulnerability Lab have identified a serious security hole that could affect a number of companies which rely on Barracuda products. They’ve discovered a high severity validation filter and exception handling bypass vulnerability in Barracuda’s appliances. According to the experts, the input filter that’s designed to block out persistent input attacks is