Industries: Higher Educations

Michelle Drolet

The rise of malware seems to have passed some people by. As the ranks of cybercriminals grow and they find new ways to exploit our systems and steal our data, a lot of computer users and small-business owners have convinced themselves that it won’t happen to them. Here are five common excuses that explain why

Michelle Drolet

By: Solange_Desc1 Security researchers have discovered a new software bug known as the “Bash Bug” or “Shellshock,” or to those more technically “in-the-know” as GNU Bash Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2014-6271)(link is external). This bug, more correctly termed, ‘vulnerability’, potentially allows attackers to gain control over targeted computers. The bug is present in a piece of computer

Michelle Drolet

by Paul Ducklin on September 3, 2014 Yesterday was Firefox’s most recent Fortytwosday(updates come out every 42 days, on Tuesdays, in a nod to Douglas Adams), bringing us to Firefox 32.0. For those who like to keep their feature set behind the leading edge, yet stay on top of security fixes, there’s also ESR 24.8 and ESR 31.1. ESR is short for Extended Support Release;

Michelle Drolet

10. Don’t trust uniforms. Wearing shirts with company logos on them can be enough to gain access to restricted areas. Verify that visitors really are who they say they are. 9. ID caller from IT. If you receive a call offering IT support for a problem you didn’t know you had, get suspicious. That’s probably

Michelle Drolet

Towerwall teamed up with MassBay Community College on May 29 to present the second annual Information Security Summit at MassBay’s Wellesley Hills campus from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Over 250 individuals attended the Summit where they interacted with industry experts and participated in various security panel discussions. After a presentation on the “Anatomy of a

Michelle Drolet

10. Malware is on the rise The threat of malware on mobile platforms is growing steadily as more and more cyber criminals target mobile devices in increasingly sophisticated ways. 9. Byod is a challenge There are obvious benefits to the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) trend, but it also creates IT challenges and exposes your

Michelle Drolet

Please save the date and plan to  join us for this timely forum on what you need to know about the latest security issues, threats, and technologies that will help you protect your business! May 29, 2014  8:00AM – 1:00PM MassBay Community College 50 Oakland Street  | Wellesley Hills, MA 02481 Early Bird Special: $35

Michelle Drolet

Recent vulnerabilities for which exploits are available compiled by the Qualys Vulnerability Research Team. This is a list of recent vulnerabilities for which exploits are available. System administrators can use this list to help in prioritization of their remediation activities. The Qualys Vulnerability Research Team compiles this information based on various exploit frameworks, exploit databases,

Michelle Drolet

Great information in SC Magazine’s latest whitepaper report, ‘Four steps to respond and recover from sophisticated security attacks’, it discusses the four proactive steps that you can – and should – take now to help keep your organization safe. Click here to view more details: As we all know, cyber-attacks are becoming more sophisticated

Michelle Drolet

The overwhelming advantages of cloud-based file storage are not in dispute. You have an automatic backup of your files, which can be accessed on any device, at any time. Small amounts of storage are generally free, and large swathes of server space are coming down in price all the time. They absolve your business from