Industries: Healthcare

Michelle Drolet

Security firm Symantec released malware signature updates for it antivirus software that caused some Windows XP machines to crash into a Blue Screen Of Death — BSOD. The update was sent out to users of Symantec’s security products over about an eight hour period between July 11th and 12th.  “The root cause of the issue,”

Michelle Drolet

For those on our Security Alert and Update list we just emailed this great article by Graham Cluley on the worst possible passwords you could ever choose. Many of you know this is something we preach to our clients on a regular basis and is part of our comprehensive 4E Program. Too many internet users

Michelle Drolet

Like it or not, the line between the workplace and the home is blurring. Work-at-home arrangements are becoming more common and cloud services make it easier to coordinate teams online. People are constantly on call, with the ability to check their emails and stay in touch wherever they are. The days of having a personal

Michelle Drolet

Cybercriminals are attempting to infect the computers of internet users, via a spammed-out email that has a malware-infected file attached.  Computer users are being warned to be wary of email messages which suggest they contain nude photographs of girlfriends, or claim that they have been reported to the police, as the attached file ( really

Michelle Drolet

TrendMicro has uncovered certain Android apps (detected as ANDROIDOS_BOTPANDA.A) containing a malicious library file, which when executed, renders the infected device as a zombie device that connects to specific command and control (C&C) servers. What is also noteworthy about this file is that it hides its routines in the dynamic library, making it difficult to

Michelle Drolet

Many IT departments have weak patching processes – especially on the client-side. And it’s no wonder – patching is tough. Across all industries and platforms, the Window of Exploit (WOE) – that is, the time lag between announced discovery and the availability of a patch – for web-based vulnerabilities is a whopping 233 days, according

Michelle Drolet

Web applications – particularly those facilitating collaboration and communication – are a boon to sales, marketing and productivity. Teams work together more effectively, salespeople enjoy better leads and marketing tools and customer service reps can more closely connect with those they serve. All of these gains, though, come at a cost: risk. By their very

Michelle Drolet

There was a recent article in the Wall Street Journal in which the top cyber cop Shawn Henry, spoke how we are loosing the battle with the hackers. At times the hackers can keep up us all night worrying about our networks, employee actions whether intentional or not, we need to remain vigilant and on

Michelle Drolet

Join us for an unprecedented security event! Friday, April 13th, 8:00 am – AMC Movie Theatre Framingham, MA Join Towerwall, Trend Micro, Application Security Inc., Sophos, Varonis, Vormetric and WAVE for a brief presentation on data and network security followed by a free breakfast and screening of the world premiere movie: The Three Stooges. Click

Michelle Drolet

Boston Business Journal asked Towerwall for required reading for every entrepreneur. Michelle Drolet recommends “The Power of Nice” by Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval. Nice companies have lower turnover and higher productivity. Click here to read the article.