Industries: Goverment(State,Local,Federal)

Michelle Drolet

10. Malware is on the rise The threat of malware on mobile platforms is growing steadily as more and more cyber criminals target mobile devices in increasingly sophisticated ways. 9. Byod is a challenge There are obvious benefits to the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) trend, but it also creates IT challenges and exposes your

Michelle Drolet

When the website was launched on Oct. 1 it didn’t take long for technical issues to hit the headlines. Americans trying to register for health care found the website unusable. There were glitches, extremely long loading times, and serious errors, but most worrying of all for anyone entrusting sensitive data to the system was the lack

Michelle Drolet

Please save the date and plan to  join us for this timely forum on what you need to know about the latest security issues, threats, and technologies that will help you protect your business! May 29, 2014  8:00AM – 1:00PM MassBay Community College 50 Oakland Street  | Wellesley Hills, MA 02481 Early Bird Special: $35

Michelle Drolet

Recent vulnerabilities for which exploits are available compiled by the Qualys Vulnerability Research Team. This is a list of recent vulnerabilities for which exploits are available. System administrators can use this list to help in prioritization of their remediation activities. The Qualys Vulnerability Research Team compiles this information based on various exploit frameworks, exploit databases,

Michelle Drolet

Cyber-attacks take many forms, from cybercrime, to hacktivism, to cyber warfare, and espionage. We’re all used to hearing about phishing attacks and the threat of malware, but organized cyber-attacks perpetrated by groups with political motivations, and sometimes affiliated with foreign governments, are on the rise, and they could represent a much graver threat. Major concerns

Michelle Drolet

Great information in SC Magazine’s latest whitepaper report, ‘Four steps to respond and recover from sophisticated security attacks’, it discusses the four proactive steps that you can – and should – take now to help keep your organization safe. Click here to view more details: As we all know, cyber-attacks are becoming more sophisticated

Michelle Drolet

Wherever an app originates from, it is vital that you can vouch for its security before it is circulated The enterprise has gone mobile and there’s no turning back. And while the BYOD movement has received plenty of attention, IT departments are getting a handle on the security risks of personal mobile devices in the workplace. The

Michelle Drolet

Many companies have embraced the BYOD trend. They may even have developed applications that enable employees to have 24/7 access to business data and tools. The benefits can be counted in productivity boosts and flexibility, but there is a real and present danger that is being ignored all too often. How many of these enterprise

Michelle Drolet

Islamist Element in Attacks. A pro-Islamic, anti-American hacking campaign appears to have jumped the gun and started early with hundreds of sites being compromised today. Set to take place on May 7 this month – thought to be US time – and targeting government sites in the US, Israel and India, the campaign is called

Michelle Drolet

The BYOD trend shows no sign of abating as more and more organizations recognize the potential benefits in terms of cost and convenience. According to a recent surveyby Good Technology, 76 percent of enterprises are now supporting BYOD and the majority of those that still don’t are planning to do so in the near future. When