Industries: BioPharma

Michelle Drolet

10) With so many people working from home on all sorts of devices, make sure these endpoints continue to receive the latest security patches and software operating system updates to lessen your chance of compromise. 9) Avoid running sensitive transactions (like banking) over public WiFi networks that are typically unsecured from eavesdropping. Using your smartphone

Michelle Drolet

Penetration testing is vital, but are you doing it right? Here are some common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them. One of the most effective ways to uncover flaws and weaknesses in your security posture is to have a third party carry out planned attacks on your system. Penetration testing is all about

Michelle Drolet

The threat of a cybercriminal gaining access to your network is a constant source of anxiety. Amid all of the high-profile data breaches, businesses and organizations of all sizes have been successfully targeted by hackers who employ a wide range of different strategies. Too many companies have had to learn all about the potential cost of

Michelle Drolet

If you don’t have a lot of budget at your disposal, these open-source intrusion detection tools are worth a look. As businesses grapple with the pandemic, millions of workers are no longer working in the traditional office behind the traditional perimeter. They are working from home, accessing data and network resources using unauthorized devices, unauthorized

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5 Cybersecurity Events that Keep CEOs up at Night

#Cloud & Network

Michelle Drolet

With ransomware and phishing attacks on the rise, companies must continuously focus on cyber risks to protect assets and customers. Covid-19 forced organizations to evolve their business models overnight. The demand for digital infrastructure has skyrocketed and industries are seeing large-scale adoption of work from home. Unauthorized software, unsecured devices, stressed and distracted workers have

Michelle Drolet

Unauthorized software and devices and stressed and distracted workers have expanded the attack surface and left businesses exposed to a number of cyber-risks. Small and medium-sized businesses in particular are most vulnerable since a majority of them run legacy or outdated systems.

Michelle Drolet

Cybersecurity resilience depends on having a detailed, thorough, and tested breach response plan in place. Here’s how to get started. No matter how secure your business, data breaches are an unfortunate fact of life. Whether an attack is the result of a determined cybercriminal, a disgruntled insider, or simple human error, you can limit the

Michelle Drolet

Covid-19 has disrupted our lives and caused a lot of stress and panic globally. Even though lockdowns may be relaxing, cyber-attacks are showing no signs of slowing down. The pandemic has created the perfect environment for hacktivists to strike with a high degree of success. Let’s understand the top five reasons for this: 1. Expanding

Michelle Drolet

As the average monetary cost of a malware attack continues to increase and currently costs an organization an average of $3.86 M, it is vital to be up to date on detection and prevention best practices. No level of investment prevents or blocks 100% of attacks. You will learn how to continuously identify and address